Extending Expiration

Saturday, Jul 13, 2019| Tags:

Some messages like order has the value when it will be expired. The default value is 15000 block. It will be 7days if blocks are added per 90 sec.

You can send your Monaparty message with the another expiration value if you are an enginner that can call Monaparty API.

And you can change it if you are not a software specialist.

How to


Open your wallet on your web browser and click the setting button.

setting button

Click advance options checkbox.

advance options

Set default expiration as you like.

defailt expiration

Close the dialog.

note: all orders will be sent with the expiration block set above after do it.

Other wallets

Ask the dev team of your wallet.


Happy Monapartying!


The first step is to create your wallet. One of the easiest way is to use Counterwallet-mona, our official wallet.

Start Monaparty with Counterwallet-mona